- Important Notice
- Preparation
- Building pre-computed correlation data (optional)
- Computing relationships based on root-related data
- 3.1 Computing clusters
- 3.2 Generating pictures with intensity fold-changes
- Computing relationships based on all array data
- Comparing graphs
- 5.1 Via mapping
- 5.2 Via graph-level operation
- Fishing genes that are highly correlated
- Computing GO enrichment and getting gene list (optional)
This is a step-by-step running script. All data mentioned in this page are available and users can try all commands one by one. For detailed description of each program, please refer the Command line manual.
System Requirement:
- Java Environment: Be sure that you have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed in your computer. If not, JRE can be downloaded from In case that you don't know how to download/install JRE, please contace your technical support.
- The Graphviz program is required for making pictures, and it is available at
- In practice, we found that 1.4GB memory was needed for some programs. So we suggest to use a computer with at least 2GB memory to run this tool kit.
For this example:
We need only the extracted files, the zip files are no longer required. Copy all these files:
- affy23k_1436_arrays_for_megacluster.txt
- ATH1_ProbeLocusMap.TXT
- ATH1_Root_RMA.tdt
- colorALL.txt
- genelist.txt
- geneSymbols.txt
- maccu.jar
to your working directory (in this example it is D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example).
In MACCU, we use RelationComputer and CoExpressFishing to build up graphs based on co-expression relationships, where a co-expression relationship between two genes is defined if the Pearson correlation coefficient between their expression levels is above a user-defined threshold. This means that we have to compute Pearson correlation coefficients between all pairs of involved genes. This kind of computation will be very time-consuming when we are doing fishing because the term "involved genes" for fishing means "all genes." To save time from computing these relationships, we compute them once and reuse the computation results for many times. The program ExpressionReader can do this using the following command, and this command computes Pearson correlation coefficients and save them into file ATH1_Root_RMA.correl. Note that this pre-computation step may cost a few hours to a few days.
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -Xmx1400M -classpath maccu.jar maccu.ExpressionReader -I ATH1_Root_RMA.tdt -O ATH1_Root_RMA.correl
program: ExpressionReader
input filename (-I): ATH1_Root_RMA.tdt
output filename (-O): ATH1_Root_RMA.correl
number filer (-NF): 8
correl filer (-CF): 0.5
input file with probe assignment (-assign): false
reading expression
computing correlation
progress: 0% = 100000 / 260148050
progress: 0% = 200000 / 260148050
progress: 0% = 300000 / 260148050
progress: 0% = 400000 / 260148050
This command computes relationships between all pairs of input genes (given in file genelist.txt) based on root-related data. The RMA-normalized expression levels are stored in file ATH1_Root_RMA.tdt. File ATH1_ProbeLocusMap.TXT records the mapping from ATH1 probes to locus IDs. The threshold for defining co-expression relationship is set to 0.7. The computed relationships are stored in output file root.graph. This .graph file records the model (see here for its format), and we will use it in many following applications.
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -Xmx1400M -classpath maccu.jar maccu.RelationComputer -I ATH1_Root_RMA.tdt -O root -P genelist.txt -assign ATH1_ProbeLocusMap.TXT -CF 0.7
program: RelationComputer
expression filename (-I): ATH1_Root_RMA.tdt
probe assignment filename (-assign): ATH1_ProbeLocusMap.TXT
correlation filename (-C): null
output prefix (-O): root
probe filename (-P): genelist.txt
number filer (-NF): 8
correl filer (-CF): 0.7
by locus (-L): true
This command reads file root.graph, parse it, and then report connected components, i.e., co-expression clusters. In this example, there are five co-expression clusters produced, and five corresponding .graph files are produced (from largest to smallest: root-0.graph, root-1.graph, ..., root-4.graph). Given a .graph file here, the first locus in every line is a locus participates in the corresponding co-expression clusters. If you would like to use the GOBU program to compute GO enrichment and get gene lists in a convenient way, please refer here.
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -Xmx1400M -classpath maccu.jar maccu.GraphAdjust -I root.graph -O root
program: GraphAdjust
input graph (-I): root.graph
output prefix (-O): root
remove node list (-RN): []
remove edge list (-RE): []
remove graph list (-remove): []
retain graph list (-retain): []
degree filter (-D): 0
cluster-size filter (-S): 1
cluster 0, size: 61
cluster 1, size: 15
cluster 2, size: 4
cluster 3, size: 2
cluster 4, size: 2
There are two steps for generating a picture: (1) attaching information and (2) making image file. The following command combines information from root.graph, geneSymbols.txt and colorALL.txt, and then produces for drawing picture using the Graphviz program. Note that file geneSymbols.txt assigns names of loci. Note also that file colorALL.txt specifies intensity fold-changes of graph nodes.
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -classpath maccu.jar maccu.GraphMakeUp -I root.graph -O -label geneSymbols.txt -fold colorALL.txt
program: GraphMakeUp
input graph (-I): root.graph
output filename (-O):
label filename (-label): geneSymbols.txt
fold change filename (-fold): colorALL.txt
coloring list (-C): {}
font 1 (-font1): 12
font 2 (-font2): 8
The following command translates into picture root.png using the Graphviz twopi module.
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>twopi -Goutputorder=edgesfirst -Goverlap=vpsc -Granksep=2 -Gratio=auto -Tpng -o root.png
Or you may try the following command for another type of output using the Graphivz neato module.
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>neato -Goverlap=false -Gsplines=true -Gsep=.1 -Tpng -o root.png
Generally speaking, twopi is better for drawing graphs with a large number of nodes at a price of some hidden edges (covered by other edges), and neato is better for drawing graphs with fewer nodes with all edges presented (if you use the command we suggested).
The following four commands compute relationships between all pairs of genes in the file genelist.txt based on all array data, report co-expression clustering results, produce corresponding picture (1436.png).
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -Xmx1400M -classpath maccu.jar maccu.RelationComputer -I affy23k_1436_arrays_for_megacluster.txt -O 1436 -P genelist.txt -assign ATH1_ProbeLocusMap.TXT -CF 0.7
program: RelationComputer
expression filename (-I): affy23k_1436_arrays_for_megacluster.txt
probe assignment filename (-assign): ATH1_ProbeLocusMap.TXT
correlation filename (-C): null
output prefix (-O): 1436
probe filename (-P): genelist.txt
number filer (-NF): 8
correl filer (-CF): 0.7
by locus (-L): true
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -Xmx1400M -classpath maccu.jar maccu.GraphAdjust -I 1436.graph -O 1436
program: GraphAdjust
input graph (-I): 1436.graph
output prefix (-O): 1436
remove node list (-RN): []
remove edge list (-RE): []
remove graph list (-remove): []
retain graph list (-retain): []
degree filter (-D): 0
cluster-size filter (-S): 1
cluster 0, size: 39
cluster 1, size: 9
cluster 2, size: 4
cluster 3, size: 2
cluster 4, size: 2
cluster 5, size: 2
cluster 6, size: 2
cluster 7, size: 2
cluster 8, size: 2
cluster 9, size: 2
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -classpath maccu.jar maccu.GraphMakeUp -I 1436.graph -O -label geneSymbols.txt -fold colorALL.txt
program: GraphMakeUp
input graph (-I): 1436.graph
output filename (-O):
label filename (-label): geneSymbols.txt
fold change filename (-fold): colorALL.txt
coloring list (-C): {}
font 1 (-font1): 12
font 2 (-font2): 8
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>twopi -Goutputorder=edgesfirst -Goverlap=vpsc -Granksep=2 -Gratio=auto -Tpng -o 1436.png
The GraphMakeUp program can assign different colors to nodes in one graph according to their clustering relationships in another graph. The following commands are for assigning nodes from first cluster of 1436.png with the pink color and nodes from the second cluster of 1436.png with the cyan color to the graph made based on root-related data.
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -classpath maccu.jar maccu.GraphMakeUp -I root.graph -O -label geneSymbols.txt -C pink 1436-0.graph -C cyan 1436-1.graph
program: GraphMakeUp
input graph (-I): root.graph
output filename (-O):
label filename (-label): geneSymbols.txt
fold change filename (-fold): null
coloring list (-C): {pink=1436-0.graph, cyan=1436-1.graph}
font 1 (-font1): 12
font 2 (-font2): 8
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>twopi -Goutputorder=edgesfirst -Goverlap=vpsc -Granksep=2 -Gratio=auto -Tpng -o root1436.png
This mapping suggests that a minor cluster (the one not mapped by 1436.graph) should have been "root-specific".
The GraphAdjust program can not only report co-expression clusters but also perform graph-level operation. The following commands take root.png as a base, removes all edges in 1436.png, and draw results in rootRemove.png. Note that rootRemove-all.graph is the resulting graph of "removing 1436.graph from root.graph".
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -Xmx1400M -classpath maccu.jar maccu.GraphAdjust -I root.graph -O rootRemove -remove 1436.graph
program: GraphAdjust
input graph (-I): root.graph
output prefix (-O): rootRemove
remove node list (-RN): []
remove edge list (-RE): []
remove graph list (-remove): [1436.graph]
retain graph list (-retain): []
degree filter (-D): 0
cluster-size filter (-S): 1
cluster 0, size: 56
cluster 1, size: 15
cluster 2, size: 4
cluster 3, size: 2
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -classpath maccu.jar maccu.GraphMakeUp -I rootRemove-ALL.graph -O -label geneSymbols.txt -fold colorALL.txt
program: GraphMakeUp
input graph (-I): rootRemove-ALL.graph
output filename (-O):
label filename (-label): geneSymbols.txt
fold change filename (-fold): colorALL.txt
coloring list (-C): {}
font 1 (-font1): 12
font 2 (-font2): 8
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>twopi -Goutputorder=edgesfirst -Goverlap=vpsc -Granksep=2 -Gratio=auto -Tpng -o rootRemove.png
Note that retained edges here would be "root-specific". In practice (please note that this page is just for example), if you would like to do something like this, we would suggest to collect a large amount of array data, perform RMA, and extract tissue-related portions. This would help finding tissue-specific co-expression relationships better.
The CoExpressFishing helps finding genes that are highly correlated with user-specified bait. In practice, a file with locus IDs or a .graph file can be assigned as the bait. The following command takes the second cluster from root.png as the bait and fishes genes that are highly correlated (Pearson correlation >0.9) with at least one gene in the bait set. Produced data will be saved in a .graph file. Note that this time we load pre-computed Pearson correlation coefficients in file ATH1_Root_RMA.correl for efficiency consideration.
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -Xmx1400M -classpath maccu.jar maccu.CoExpressFishing -I ATH1_Root_RMA.tdt -C ATH1_Root_RMA.correl -O fishing -B root-1.graph -assign ATH1_ProbeLocusMap.TXT -CF 0.9 -STEP 1 -BUFFER false
program: CoExpressFishing
expression filename (-I): ATH1_Root_RMA.tdt
probe assignment filename (-assign): ATH1_ProbeLocusMap.TXT
correlation filename (-C): ATH1_Root_RMA.correl
output filename (-O): fishing
bait filename (in locus) (-B): root-1.graph
step limit (-STEP): 1
buffer edge (-BUFFER): false
number filer (-NF): 8
correl filer (-CF): 0.9
reading expression
reading bait
computing edges
edge computeing, dist = 0, buffer size = 15
reach step limit.
graph building
Just remember that a .graph file can be translated into a picture using the following two commands.
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>java -classpath maccu.jar maccu.GraphMakeUp -I fishing.graph -O -label geneSymbols.txt -fold colorALL.txt
program: GraphMakeUp
input graph (-I): fishing.graph
output filename (-O):
label filename (-label): geneSymbols.txt
fold change filename (-fold): colorALL.txt
coloring list (-C): {}
font 1 (-font1): 12
font 2 (-font2): 8
D:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example>twopi -Goutputorder=edgesfirst -Goverlap=vpsc -Granksep=2 -Gratio=auto -Tpng -o fishing.png
In addition to .graph files, the GraphAdjust program produces .tree file, which can be utilized by the GOBU program. If the GOBU program is installed in your computer, you can use it for computing GO enrichment and getting gene list in a convenient way. Download example files for GOBU here and extract it into the example directory, and there should be two files "LocusAnnotation.list" and "reference.sort.tree". The following two commands help building up another .tree file named root.sort.tree, which contains clusters of genes with their annotations. Be sure that you are inputting these commands at the GOBU directory. Note that if you were using GOBU of version earlier than 0.95, you should have to replace "-OBO data\gene_ontology.1_2.obo.txt" with "-G data\component.ontology.txt -G data\function.ontology.txt -G data\function.ontology.txt".
D:\wdlin\Project0\gobu>java -Xmx600M -classpath gobu.jar -I d:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example\root.tree -S d:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\common\LocusAnnotation.list -O d:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example\root.raw.tree -OBO data\gene_ontology.1_2.obo
program: AddAnnotation
input filename (-I): d:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example\root.tree
subtree filename (-S): d:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\common\LocusAnnotation.list
output filename (-O): d:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example\root.raw.tree
OBO filename (-OBO): data\gene_ontology.1_2.obo
coverage check (-C): false
D:\wdlin\Project0\gobu>java -Xmx600M -classpath gobu.jar -I d:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example\root.raw.tree -O d:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example\root.sort.tree -OBO data\gene_ontology.1_2.obo
program: TreeSorter
input filename (-I): d:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example\root.raw.tree
output filename (-O): d:\wdlin\Project1\maccu\data\20091203_example\root.sort.tree
OBO filename (-OBO): data\gene_ontology.1_2.obo
For windows operation system, the GOBU software can be invoked via the following command or double-click on the file icon of gobuCmd.bat.
d:\wdlin\Project0\gobu>java -Xmx900M -classpath gobu.jar bio301.goutil.gobu.GobuFrame
In the GOBU window, you shall load "root.sort.tree" and add "reference.sort.tree", then use the listing plugin (or the FastInput plugin) and the MultiView plug for getting gene lists and computing GO enrichment.